Course Descriptions
Digital Media I - is a foundation course that focuses on digital art making with an emphasis on drawing and photography. Students will explore the Elements of Art and apply the Principles of Design in planning, developing and creating original works of art. While tackling creative challenges, students will familiarize themselves with the Adobe suite, study techniques, contemporary artists and art history as they make cultural connections and explore realities, relationships, and ideas. Students will develop a portfolio that demonstrates an understanding of a variety of digital techniques and problem-solving skills. One full credit (2 sequential semesters) must be earned in Art I for entry into a Level II art course.
o Course Fee: $40
Digital Media II - This second-year art course provides students who have successfully completed an Art I course an opportunity to further develop digital art making skills through the use of advanced concepts and processes. Development of a portfolio is required to move on to Art III, IV, & AP.
o Course Fee: $60
o Prerequisite: Art I DP, Art I S, Art I P, or Art I DM.
o Additional supplies and/or supply fees may be required.
Digital Media III – IV – This course is an opportunity to further develop their digital art making skills through the use of advanced concepts and processes. Development of a portfolio is required.
o Course Fee: $60
AP Art - The digital media portfolio course is designed to address a very broad interpretation of digital art making issues. Digital Illustrations, Photography, and Design-work are included in a digital media portfolio. This portfolio allows for a more specific course of study that readily parallels specialized drawing curriculum and programs in college and university art departments as well as in art schools. Works presented in the portfolio may have been produced in art classes and may cover a period longer than a single school year. Work presented in an Advanced Placement Digital Media portfolio may not be included in other Advanced Placement portfolios at another time. The portfolio is submitted as both original pieces and as digital images of selected pieces that represent the student's best works and includes a written statement defining the student’s focus of concentration.
o Course Fee: $60
o Prerequisite: Students must have completed a Level II course.
o Additional supplies and/or supply fees may be required.